Users have requested this for long time. Occasionally, development of a much-wanted feature is put off until, here at Rossware, we are able to envision a good path by which to efficiently accomplish the desired end result. About a month ago (and after considerable brainstorming in the interim), there was a finally a "eureka" moment here. Finally, we were able to see and formulate the particular vision and path by which to efficiently allow each technician to readily online review his entire upcoming roster of scheduled jobs.
We are calling it the "Future-Sched Viewer", and are delighted to now make it available.
This new and awesome feature may be accessed in either of two ways:
First, the technician may simply click on a button that is newly present within SD-Mobile itself:
(Please note this new button is presently available only in the latest release of SDM-w; it is expected to be likewise present in the next release of SDM-i, which likely will be posted about mid November as Ver. 1.9.)
Second, the Future-Sched Viewer can be accessed via any web-browser by simply using this url:
(Please note SDM-i users will likely want to use this second method, pending the next release of SDM-i with its own new internal-button link.)
Regardless of which access method is used, the technician will quickly be presented with a web interface that allows complete and detailed review of everything that is presently on his upcoming service schedule.
Each calendar week is shown in its entirety. There is color coding to distinguish fake appointments from real ones, and ShopJobs from normal jobs. A simple click on any reference will bring up a full and complete set of job details:
As you can see, there is even a hyperlink within this JobDetails page to initiate a ServiceBench Web Inquiry on the underlying machine. Very soon, we plan to add another link via which the tech may initiate an SD-Mail to any office person, and as connected with the involved job. We believe this will be useful for techs that are participating in pre-screening of their own assigned jobs, and potentially for other purposes.
We hope y'all love this new feature. Please let us know what you think.